Lionhood Financial Coaching

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Are you a Lion or a Hyena?

When a lion’s hungry, he intentionally roars and eats! When a Hyena’s hungry he casually laughs (barks) and waits for the leftovers. Lions do not hang out with hyenas! Lions do not act like hyenas! Lions, frankly, do not care what the hyenas think! Be a lion not a hyena. The Good Book says that the devil walks around LIKE a roaring lion. The evil one is a hyena. Enough has been said.

How many hyenas have you allowed into your circle? These are the people who are always negative or cynically or fearful. Spreading doubt and unbelief. Hyenas gossip. Hyenas talk behind your back. Hyenas get angry and bitter when they don’t get your way. You cannot keep people like this in your life. They need to change or you need to go make new friends and acquaintances.

My mentor reminded me that you have got to stay with your kind. In that, you have to stay around people who produce and pursue success! Your net worth will be within a few thousand dollars of your five closest friends (usually!). Don’t let yourself be deceived into the thought that you are the exception. Decide to make a change today that puts you on the path to success!



How does this affect your money? Let's say you're saving money to build up your storehouse. It will be much harder to do so when your friends, the people you spend a lot of your free time with, are out wasting their money every weekend. You don’t want to be the odd one out so you’ll join the fund and spend the end of the month wondering where your money is.

Your friend may be your only source of financial advice right now. It is important to weight that advise. Are they walking in it themselves? How does it measure up with what you know? In order to answer these questions, you need to be adding to your personal finance acumen on a ongoing basis. Personal finance is not complicated. Once you understand the basics you can begin to walk in wisdom and measure the validity of the advice that you receive.

The following are a few quick tips from the FSCB to improve your personal finances:

  1. Create a realistic monthly budget.

  2. Build up your savings—even if it takes time.

  3. Pay your bills on time every month.

  4. Cut back on [un-used] recurring charges.

  5. Save up cash to afford big purchases.

  6. Start an investment strategy.

If you want an experienced financial coach to help you get out of a financial mess, reach out to a Lionhood Financial Coach today! You can set an appointment below or find the “Let’s Chat“ button on you screen!


Lion, (Panthera leo), large, powerfully built cat (family Felidae) that is second in size only to the tiger. The proverbial “king of beasts,” the lion has been one of the best-known wild animals since earliest times.

Hyena, (family Hyaenidae), also spelled hyaena, are tireless trotters… Hyenas are noted for scavenging but will also attack live prey. The spotted, or laughing, hyena, whose calls alternately resemble wailing and maniacal laughter, ranges through much of sub-Saharan Africa.