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Job vs Career

Both careers and jobs enable us to earn money to support our family and ourselves. Yet, these two things do not have the same meaning. It is then important to see whether you're looking for a career to plan your professional aim of looking for a job. Through this article, we will show you how jobs and careers are different from each other, and how to turn your job into a career.

The Definition of Job

A job is work you do to earn money to support your needs. It can be a part-time or full-time job, and also a short-term job. When working, the salary might be given in a form of a set paycheck, an hourly wage, or a salary with benefits.

Not all jobs required advanced training or a certain degree, but you need certain skills connected with the job description to do your work. You can work by yourself, have your own business, or work in a company. The companies expect their workers to perform their jobs in exchange for a regular wage and to be responsible for the duties given to them.

You can also have a short- or long-term contract between a worker and an employer. For instance, a renovation job. The company will hire a local contractor who agrees upon payment terms. Their job will end when the project is completed.

The Definition of Career

Different from a job, a career is long-term professional work you do base on your passions. It is the path you go through to fulfill your professional ambitions and goals. To have a career, you may require certain training or level of education to achieve these goals (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Individuals who pursue careers sometimes have a set of salaries with benefits like bonuses, pensions, retirement plans, and stock options. If one finds difficulties in managing their salary, a Lionhood Financial coach will help. When working, people often gain benefits other than money like self-worth, work satisfaction, and personal pride.

A career may last for your whole life. And during your career, you can hold several jobs under many employers in your industry that you progress through.

Key Differences between Job and Career

1. Time

The main difference between these two things is the time contract. A job is a short-term solution for most people to fulfill their basic needs to make a living. Job doesn't facilitate long-term growth. Statistics show us that people tend to have had ten jobs before they're 42 years old, and most employers expect their workers to change jobs every three years. Meanwhile, a career is a long-term work you do that utilizes your education, experiences, skills, and passions. Careers are what you have to do to get there, where you wanna go, and where you are currently.

2. Focus

The job only focuses on one position or one role with specific functions. These functions include meeting required performance standards, using correct software, following specific procedures and processes, maintaining records, answering customer inquiries, and preparing reports. These are useful skills you need to have to do certain jobs, but they might not be useful when you're moving to another job. For instance, you're working in a company that uses proprietary software for one kind of role, it won't be useful when you change job and move to a company that uses different software.

Meanwhile, a career helps you to focus on having transferable skills to make you advance. These skills can be used in different roles, including innovation, communication, critical thinking, adaptability, and also leadership. To build a career means that you build these marketable skills as well. You're not only focusing on skills to do the job description. For instance, when you become a leader, you will lead workers from entry-level to senior level, even both functional and technical teams.

3. Passion

Another difference between a job and a career is its passion. When you have a job you will do things to have the desired result. A job is transactional (Hartley, 2021). When you fulfill a responsibility, you will get an exchange for those works, which are benefits and pay. While a career is a means to fulfill your life purpose. This is your identity. People with a career will fulfill their passion in their lives.

Working with a Lionhood Financial Coach

When you're earning money, but you don't have any ideas to manage it, it might be time for you to work with a financial coach. If you find it challenging in budgeting, save, and build an emergency fund, you better look for help.

If you're about to make a critical financial decision, these coaches will professionally help to check where your money is going and give solutions to track your finance. They provide you with short and long-term goals, as well as create a suitable plan for you.

There are several things a financial coach does. They build awareness about spending habits. Some people don't have a budget, they sometimes don't have a plan on how to earn and spend money. This financial advisor will also help to establish a positive habit to reach your financial goals. They assist your plan for managing day-to-day management to long-term money management.

A financial coach also explores the behaviors and emotions of particular persons. To advise people is an easy task to do, but to make them on the move is another problem. With this situation, a financial advisor help to identify and know well your beliefs and behavioral nature towards money.

Last, but not least, a financial coach help to support and follow up. They engage with you in times of strength and weakness, provide you with emotional and clarification support.



Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, May 27). What is the Difference Between a Job and a Career?. Retrieved from:

Hartley, Holly. (2021, Jan 29). Job vs Career: 3 Things You Need to Know. Retrieved from: