Together, We
Make More
of Your Money

For the past three years, Lionhood Financial has been unlocking hidden opportunities by empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their financial goals and realize their most ambitious ideas through expert coaching and meticulous bookkeeping services.

Our goal is to be a leading financial coaching and bookkeeping firm. We strive to empower individuals and businesses by optimizing their financial strategies, ensuring robust financial health, and helping them achieve sustainable growth and success.

Served over 700 clients.

Make More of Your Money
Make More of Your Life

We aim to bring clarity, confidence, and peace of mind to our clients' lives. We are committed to help you achieve financial resilience and live a life of abundance. If you're ready to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals, click Learn More.

Our Process


  • Coaching & Consultation: Evaluate client needs, goals, and current financial situation.

    Virtual Bookkeeping: Analyze current bookkeeping processes, software, and financial data.

    Credit Score Repair: Review credit reports and identify factors affecting the credit score.

    Risk Management: Identify potential financial risks and vulnerabilities.

    Fraud Recovery: Investigate the extent and nature of fraud incidents.

    Seminars: Determine the target audience, topics of interest, and learning objectives.


  • Coaching & Consultation: Develop a customized coaching plan with specific objectives and milestones.

    Virtual Bookkeeping: Set up a virtual bookkeeping system tailored to client needs.

    Credit Score Repair: Create a plan to address negative items and improve credit behavior.

    Risk Management: Develop a risk management plan with strategies to mitigate identified risks.

    Fraud Recovery: Develop a recovery plan to address and prevent future fraud.

    Seminars: Design seminar content, schedule, and marketing plan.


  • Coaching & Consultation: Conduct coaching sessions, track progress, and adjust the plan as necessary.

    Virtual Bookkeeping: Implement the bookkeeping system and provide ongoing support and reporting.

    Credit Score Repair: Execute the credit repair strategy, including disputing errors and monitoring progress.

    Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies and regularly review and update the plan.

    Fraud Recovery: Execute recovery actions, including restoring lost assets and improving security measures.

    Seminars: Conduct the seminar and gather feedback for future improvement.


  • Coaching & Consultation: Continuously track the client’s progress toward their financial goals. Regularly review the coaching plan and make necessary adjustments based on changes in their financial situation or goals.

    Virtual Bookkeeping: Monitor financial reports, ensure accuracy, and make adjustments to the bookkeeping system as needed. Provide ongoing reviews to ensure the system remains aligned with the client’s business needs.

    Credit Score Repair: Track improvements in the client’s credit score and monitor changes on their credit report. Regularly review the plan to address any new negative items or trends.

    Risk Management: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the risk management plan. Identify any new risks and update the plan to mitigate emerging threats.

    Fraud Recovery: Continuously monitor for signs of fraud. Review and enhance security measures, ensuring the recovery plan remains effective in preventing future incidents.

    Seminars: Evaluate the seminar's success through participant feedback and engagement metrics. Use insights to refine future seminars and improve overall effectiveness.

Insights & Stories

Development & Pathways

Make More of Your Money

Make More of Your Business

Make More of Yourself

Make More of Your Team

Client Onboarding

Coaching & Consulting


Lionhood Financial Coaching uses the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Your Money, Your Goals toolkit and the Financial Trade Commission (FTC) resources to ensure your financial empowerment. SCORE powered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) resources are utilized to develop business accumen.