Our Services

  • Tailored analysis of your income and expenses to develop strategies for growth and efficiency. Provide a comprehensive review of your business or personal finances with ongoing support to improve performance.

  • Manage your financial records to track income and expenses which is crucial for tax savings and making informed business decisions. Onboard

  • Guidance and support to improve your credit score. This service is crucial for individuals looking to secure loans or credit cards at the best rate.

  • Identify, assess, and prioritize risks. Create an effective plan to minimize the impact of these risks on your financial health.

  • Provide resources and support to recover from financial fraud. This includes guidance on reporting fraud and steps to take to prevent future occurrences.

  • Seminar Series covers diverse topics at every financial level.

    Expert speakers, practical takeaways, and networking opportunities.

    Current topic:

    Mastering the Fundamentals – 4 Keys to Financial Empowerment


Business & Financial Coaching

Transform your finances with our expert coaching and consultation services. We'll help you:

  • Understand Your Finances: Analyze your income and expenses.

  • Develop Strategies: Create plans for growth and efficiency.

  • Optimize and Improve: Focus on effective strategies and discard the ineffective ones.

Let’s work together to make your finances a powerful ally on your journey to financial success!

Virtual Bookkeeping with QuickBooks

Take control of your business finances with our virtual bookkeeping services. Click to Onboard. We offer:

  • Accurate Tracking: Precise transaction recording and detailed financial reports.

  • Cost Savings: Identify opportunities to cut costs.

  • Strategic Planning: Budgeting, cash flow analysis, and profit maximization.

  • QuickBooks Training: Learn to use QuickBooks effectively.

  • Regular Check-Ups: Monitor your financial health.

Transform bookkeeping into a strategic asset with Lionhood Financial. Contact us for tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs!