Personal Finance Blueprint: From Debt to Generational Wealth

This course is designed to guide individuals and families on their journey from being burdened by debt to building and sustaining generational wealth. Participants will learn actionable strategies to get out of debt, manage their finances effectively, and set up systems to ensure financial stability for future generations.

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Meet your instructors


Meet your instructors 📚



Raymond is your local financial expert. He brings over a decade of banking experience in risk management, financial management, retail banking and fraud prevention. Ray is passionate about coaching you to help you make more of your money, he's dedicated to helping you achieve your life goals through financial empowerment. With Raymond, experience a transformative journey where expertise meets ambition for unparalleled financial success.

What you’ll learn

    • Overview: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage and eliminate debt. This involves assessing their current debt situation, developing a personalized repayment plan, and employing strategies to negotiate with creditors and reduce interest rates.

    • Outcome: By the end of this module, clients will have the tools and knowledge to create a clear path out of debt, significantly reduce their financial burden, and regain control over their finances.

    • Overview: This segment focuses on establishing a robust financial base. Clients will learn the essentials of budgeting, setting up and maintaining an emergency fund, and understanding and improving their credit scores.

    • Outcome: Participants will be equipped with practical skills to manage their finances more effectively, prepare for unexpected expenses, and enhance their creditworthiness, setting the stage for future financial stability and growth.

    • Overview: The course will introduce participants to the fundamentals of investing, including various investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. It will cover retirement planning, the benefits of different retirement accounts, and the power of compound interest for long-term wealth accumulation.

    • Outcome: Clients will learn how to make informed investment decisions, plan for a secure retirement, and leverage the power of investing to build and sustain wealth over time.

Course FAQ

    • Access to financial tools and calculators.

    • Downloadable budget templates and investment trackers.

    • Exclusive interviews with financial experts.

    • Individuals and families struggling with debt.

    • People looking to transition from financial instability to stability and wealth-building.

    • Anyone interested in leaving a financial legacy for their descendants.

    • Video lessons

    • Interactive quizzes

    • Case studies and real-life scenarios

    • Live Q&A sessions

    • Community forum for peer support