Lionhood Financial Coaching

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Why You Need A Budget, Now!

One of the most critical things 2020 has made us realize is that we need to manage our money better. Creating a budget is a vital if you want to move towards financial security.

Many people don’t understand the importance of creating a budget or tend to get lazy; however, its benefits cannot be stressed enough. Here are five reasons why it’s time to start building a budget and following it:

Stops you from overspending

Credit cards often give us the false impression of money we don’t have, resulting in debt. Maintaining a budget prevents you from doing this and ensures you won’t ever find yourself in a risky position. You can keep track of how much you earn, how much you need to save, and how much you can afford to spend.

Prepares you for emergencies

The past year has shown us that we can never plan enough for unforeseen circumstances. The pandemic led to severe financial turmoil, helping us realize the importance of an emergency fund. Hence, you should budget for an emergency fund that covers at least 3 to 6 months of living expenses. The key is to start building your emergency fund slowly, even if it’s $50 every week.

Helps you realize unhealthy spending habits

With all your expenses and sources of income in front of you, you start realizing all the unnecessary things you’re spending your money on. A budget helps you reevaluate your spending habits and refocus your financial goals. By helping you measure how you spend your money, you can improve your spending habits over time.

Gives you financial control

Budgeting helps you feel in control of your finances, allowing you to track your progress, realize when spending needs to stop, and prioritize certain things. It also helps establish a plan that’s easy to follow and gives room to prepare for the future. By planning how you’re going to spend your money at the start of each month, you can make it easier to manage your finances.

It’s simple

The idea of budgeting may seem daunting, but you’d be surprised how easy it can be. You can simplify the process by using percentages of your income for savings and particular expenses. Budgeting may be tricky initially, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be handling your money much better. Additionally, there are numerous budgeting tools out there that you can turn to.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few financial benefits that following and creating a budget can result in. It’s time to start budgeting and working towards financial freedom - you won’t regret it!