Balancing Your Life
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Balancing Your Life

Setting goals in different aspects in our life is important. It will be an inevitable challenge to balance all of them as we get too busy for everything but every positive progress in any part of our lives will surely strengthen us to create further improvements in other aspects.

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10 Ways to Save Money When Your Automobile Lease Ends
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

10 Ways to Save Money When Your Automobile Lease Ends

Paying excess mileage charges when an auto lease ends is something most consumers take care to avoid. But many of these same careful lessees get an unhappy surprise at turn-in because of other charges and costs they failed to think about.

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How to Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How to Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Many people mistake the pre-approval process with the pre-qualification process. Yet, they are different for many reasons.

The pre-qualification process is when you have the ideas of your ideal house price ranges. Meanwhile, the pre-approval process in this article means a loan-approving process by an underwriter under some specific conditions.

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Job vs Career
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Job vs Career

Both careers and jobs enable us to earn money to support our family and ourselves. Yet, these two things do not have the same meaning. It is then important to see whether you're looking for a career to plan your professional aim of looking for a job. Through this article, we will show you how jobs and careers are different from each other, and how to turn your job into a career.

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5 Ways For Students Can Make Money
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

5 Ways For Students Can Make Money

Finding money to pay for college can be difficult though you already have grants, loans, or scholarships you may still need cash for other expenses. Students might need funds for commuting, tuition, books, housing, and other things related to college supplies. If you plan to work in the summer during the college's break, we have tips and ideas for you what kind of job you can take both on and off college. Also, you can create a budget you need to pay for them. Yet, the best way to fill the gaps in your financial need is to fake to the financial aid office and ask for favors.

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Financial Goal Setting
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Financial Goal Setting

When we talk about personal finance, we will focus on the process of managing and planning personal financial activities like income generation, saving, spending, protection, and investing. The process of managing it can be formed in a financial plan or a budget. In this article, we're going to see the most important and common aspects you need to manage your finance.

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How to Pay Off Debt
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How to Pay Off Debt

Dealing with debt can be stressful and challenging. If you plan to pay off your debt, creating a plan is the very first step to making you debt-free. To ease your process, you can help yourself by adopting healthy financial habits which also can bring you to improve overall finances. There are strategies you can follow that will work for people with any debt amount.

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Manage Your Loan Responsibly
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Manage Your Loan Responsibly

It can be smart to use a personal loan to pay off a major expense rather than take on high interest credit card debt, but it's equally important to use your loan responsibly.

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Maybe You Should Own Instead of Rent
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Maybe You Should Own Instead of Rent

A home allows long-term investments in a property that appreciates over time. We have some considerations for those who are on the fence between whether to buy or rent.

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What’s Your Cashflow?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

What’s Your Cashflow?

Your personal cashflow is what you make minus what you spend over a certain period of time. It is vital that you understand not only what is your cashflow, but when is your cash flow. You can get started with tracking your cashflow by downloading a free cashflow form from the Lionhood Financial Forms page.

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Financial Growth Mindset
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Financial Growth Mindset

Money management can be a challenge. It is important to focus on the constant progress when it comes to this skill with a financial growth mindset.

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Why You're Irrational With Money
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Why You're Irrational With Money

When it comes to your personal finances, a lot of us know what we should do and still find ourselves making bad financial decisions. When you understand why you make irrational decisions, you will check impulses and make more rational decisions in the future.

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How to Avoid Overdraft Fees
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees

Most people have trouble avoiding overdraft fees. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Americans pay over $17 billion each year in overdraft fees and nonsufficient funds fees combined due to overdraft fees and nonsufficient funds charges on their checking accounts. A financial coach at Lionhood Financial can prove to be an invaluable resource because overdraft fees are usually a result of poorly managed finances.

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You May Need to Rent Instead of Own (For Now)
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

You May Need to Rent Instead of Own (For Now)

When it comes to where you live, homeownership is typically one of the signs you have achieved success and that's an incredible feeling. However, there are many benefits to renting that may prove to be invaluable. Renting might be the smarter choice!

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Tips To Improve Your Credit Score
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Tips To Improve Your Credit Score

We all know that it is important to maintain a good credit score, but sometimes we lose track. Here are a few things that you can do to improve your credit score.

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Why You Need A Budget, Now!
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Why You Need A Budget, Now!

Creating a budget is crucial if you want to move towards financial security. Many people don’t understand the importance of creating a budget or tend to get lazy; however, its benefits cannot be stressed enough. If you don't tell your money where to go, it will slip through your fingers each month.

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Money Habits You Need in 2021
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Money Habits You Need in 2021

2020 gave us unprecedented times where the entire world was forced to reevaluate how they were living. One aspect that naturally required a different perspective was how we manage our finances.

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