What is Retirement Planning
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

What is Retirement Planning

Retirement is a time that many people look forward to - a time to relax, travel, and spend time with family and friends. However, retirement can also be a time of financial uncertainty if you haven't adequately prepared for it. That's where retirement planning comes in.

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5 Common Social Security Mistakes To Avoid
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

5 Common Social Security Mistakes To Avoid

As you approach retirement, it's important to have a solid understanding of how Social Security works and how to maximize your benefits. However, there are several common mistakes that people make when it comes to Social Security that can result in a lower benefit amount. Here are five common Social Security mistakes to avoid.

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When To Take Social Security
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

When To Take Social Security

Social Security is a critical part of retirement planning for millions of Americans. Deciding when to start receiving Social Security benefits can be a complex decision that depends on a variety of factors, such as your financial situation, employment status, and health.

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How To Enroll For Social Security
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How To Enroll For Social Security

Enrolling in Social Security can be a daunting task for many people, especially those who are approaching retirement age. There are many factors to consider, such as your full retirement age (FRA), when to claim benefits, and how to apply. Fortunately, by following a checklist, you can make the enrollment process much easier.

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What is Social Security?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

What is Social Security?

Social Security is a federal program that provides income to eligible individuals during retirement, disability, or after a spouse's death. It is one of the most critical factors to consider when planning for retirement, and understanding the full retirement age (FRA) is crucial for making informed decisions.

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Budget Your Giving
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Budget Your Giving

Personal finance is a topic that is often focused on budgeting, saving, and investing. However, there is one aspect of personal finance that is often overlooked: giving. Giving, whether it's donating to charities, volunteering, or helping out a friend in need, is an important part of personal finance that can bring many benefits to your life.

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What’s A Bank Run
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

What’s A Bank Run

Bank runs have been a recurring issue throughout history, causing financial turmoil and instability. It's important for individuals to understand the causes and consequences of bank runs and how to protect their assets.

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How to Manage Your Personal Cash Flow
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How to Manage Your Personal Cash Flow

Cash flow refers to the amount of money that flows into and out of your accounts over a certain period, usually a month. Managing your cash flow is essential for financial stability, as it helps you track your income and expenses, plan your budget, and save money for your long-term goals.

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Budgeting 101
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Budgeting 101

A budget is an essential tool to manage personal finances and keep spending under control. A budget is a plan that determines how an individual will spend their money each month. In this article, we will cover all the basics of a budget and how to create one.

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Secure a Business Loan with a Strong Business Plan
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Secure a Business Loan with a Strong Business Plan

A business plan is a crucial document that outlines the details of your business and serves as a roadmap for its future growth. If you're seeking a business loan, having a strong business plan is essential as it will help you secure funding and convince lenders to invest in your business.

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10 Steps to Financial Success
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

10 Steps to Financial Success

Are you looking to achieve financial success? It can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and mindset, it is definitely possible. Here are 10 steps that can help you get on the path to financial success

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How to Budget
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

How to Budget

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This plan, also known as a budget, helps you to make the most of your income and savings while still being able to afford the things you need and want. By creating a budget and sticking to it, you can take control of your finances and ensure that you are able to meet your financial goals.

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What’s a Payday Loan?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

What’s a Payday Loan?

A payday loan is a high interest short term loan through which a lender might give you the money as cash, load the funds onto a prepaid card, or electronically deposit the money into your checking account.

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Analyze Your Cash Flow
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Analyze Your Cash Flow

A cash flow budget projects what money you expect to come in and how much you think you’ll spend each week and when you expect the expenses to occur. It’s different from a regular budget because it breaks your monthly budget down week by week.

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Turn Hopes into Goals
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Turn Hopes into Goals

Hopes and dreams can motivate us, but they’re often too vague which makes it hard to build a plan to reach them. To set goals could be called to starting point of all of your achievement.

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Are you a Lion or a Hyena?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Are you a Lion or a Hyena?

When a lion’s hungry, he intentionally roars and eats! When a Hyena’s hungry he casually laughs (barks) and waits for the leftovers. Lions do not hang out with hyenas! Lions do not act like hyenas! Lions, frankly, do not care what the hyenas think! Be a lion not a hyena. The Good Book says that the devil walks around LIKE a roaring lion. The evil one is a hyena. Enough said.

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Are Your Finances Organized?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Are Your Finances Organized?

Are your personal finances in perfect order? If your answer was any version of “No," you're certainly not alone. The good news is that there are many simple things you can do to better organize finances!

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Is Financial Success Hard?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Is Financial Success Hard?

Is financial success hard? No. Financial Success is not Difficult. Financial success is not a hard task to master. It simply takes dedication, hard work and a little old fashioned commitment. It will require knowledge and wisdom.

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Want To Improve Your Credit Score?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Want To Improve Your Credit Score?

Do you want a better credit score? Your credit score is important to you if you want to buy a car or home or even applying for a job, in many instances! There are a number of fixes, though, that can help you turn your credit score around in fairly short order.

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Should You Ignore Your Net Income?
Raymond Ihim Raymond Ihim

Should You Ignore Your Net Income?

Net income is to an person’s or business’s income after all expenses have been paid. Net income will always be less than gross income. Taxable income tends to be based on some form of net income. This can affect the amount owed in capital gains taxes, social security taxes, and more.

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